Successful foster kids: Robert Davidson


Robert Davidson lost BC government support at age 19.
Photo: Ric Ernst / The Vancouver Sun

Adapted from The Vancouver Sun
Level 2

It is hard for foster kids to finish high school. Only 32 percent graduate by age 19.

Foster kids move a lot. They change homes and schools often. This makes keeping up at school difficult.

The BC government stops supporting youth in foster care at age 19. They must start paying for their own costs. Getting a job becomes the most important thing. Going to school is harder.

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  • Watch this video and learn the story of a former foster kid, Kali Rufus, now 21 years old.



Turning 19 is very different for foster kids.
Photo: Steve Bosch / PNG

Many people think foster kids should be supported until they are 21 years old. It would help them finish high school and get more training. That would help them get better jobs with more income.

Robert Davidson started in foster care at age 16. His mother died.

Davidson wants to be a nurse. He is a good student.

He graduated from high school. He is 19 years old.


People at work removing asbestos
Photo: / CC, Flickr

He is working removing asbestos. He is trying to save up money to go to school.

“The work I do is labour, pretty much,” Davidson said. “I wish the pay was more so I could save up for school.”