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The kid and the pipeline
Adapted from The Vancouver Sun by Nancy Carson 2012 Level 2 Her name is Ta’Kaiya Blaney. She is 11 years old and in Grade 5. Ta’Kaiya lives in North Vancouver. Del, her Dad, and her mother, Anne live with her. Anne is a teacher. She teaches Ta’Kaiya at home. Visit the links: Ta’Kaiya’s song “Shallow Waters” with…
Continue ReadingJust too much hurt… better late than never
Adapted from The Vancouver Sun Level 3 – challenging The treatment of Japanese Canadians and people of Japanese descent during the Second World War is a dark period of Canadian history. Many Canadians do not understand what happened. Others do not want to talk about it. Visit the links: A tribute to Japanese Canadian UBC…
Continue ReadingToy of the Century
Adapted from The Vancouver Sun Level 2 They are small plastic bricks. They are different colours. And they have studs on them. Some have six studs. Others have four or eight studs. Millions of kids play with the bricks. They call these bricks “Lego”. Visit the links: Story of how LEGO is built Yo-yos with…
Continue ReadingEverybody knows him now
Adapted from The Vancouver Sun Level 3 Everybody knows Mario Gutierrez now. Six years ago, only a few in the world of horses knew his name. No one else had heard of him. Now, after May 4, 2012, he is famous. Visit the link: Return to Vancouver after the race2
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