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Category: Technology

First Peoples’ map of BC

There is a new map on the internet. It is called the First Peoples’ Map of BC. It is the first of its kind in Canada. How does the map work? The map is interactive.  You can zoom in on a place and click to learn about local languages, arts and culture. On the map,…

History Technology
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Scam messages

Have you ever received an email saying you won some money? If so, you might have received a scam message. What is a scam message? In a scam message, someone asks you for personal information, like your name, credit card number, passwords, or address. They use that information to take money from your bank accounts…

Social Issues Technology Uncategorised
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Digital Storytelling: A pleasant experience

Digital storytelling: A pleasant experience Story by Heng Bian, LINC student at Collège Éducacentre College Last month our class did digital story presentations using a program called Brainshark. Do you know Brainshark? It not only has a cool name, but it is a software program. It lets you tell a story using pictures and audio.

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Artificial hand can feel

Artificial hand that can feel Adapted from CBC News by Nancy Carson Level 3 Igor Spetic of Ohio lost his right hand four years ago in an industrial accident. Spetic had phantom pain after losing part of his arm. Limb is gone, pain is real Phantom pain feels like it is coming from a body part….

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NASA sends LADEE to the moon

Shorter version of this story in the November, 2013 edition of The Westcoast Reader Adapted from The Province Level 1 NASA has a new spacecraft. It is the size of a small car. There are no people on the spacecraft. It is a robot. The spacecraft is called LADEE. LADEE means Lunar Atmosphere and Dust Environment Explorer.   Read the PDF…

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Safety on the Internet

Adapted from The Vancouver Sun Level 3 How do you stay safe on the Internet? How do you keep your children safe on the Internet? Telus started a program for parents, kids and teachers to help keep us safe on the Internet. Read the PDF. Try the Exercise Safety on the Internet Visit the links: WCR…

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Are you using your cell phone at work?

Adapted from The Vancouver Sun Level 2 Many young people less than 30 years old are very attached to their cell phones and tablets. In their personal lives, they use them all day, everywhere. They need to learn how to use these devices in their workplace. Communication at work is different. “What we need are social…

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Teens and screens

Adapted from The Vancouver Sun Level 3 January 2011 Teenage Internet addiction* is on the rise in B.C. Many teenagers now spend 7 to 14 hours a day on the Internet. Parents and teachers worry these teenagers might be addicted to the Internet. * (say: ah-dik-shun) Read the PDF.  Try the Exercise. Teens and screens-PDF…

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Made in Canada

Adapted from The Vancouver Sun Level 1 October 2011 Canadians like to make new things. A Canadian made the electric oven in 1950. Cooks were very happy. A Canadian company made a robot arm for a spaceship. They call it “Canadarm”. A Canadian company also made a new phone. They call it the BlackBerry. In…

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Apps for Apes

Adapted from The Vancouver Sun Level 3 The apes at a park in Florida are just like people. The twins, age 8, love their iPad. The teenagers like it, too. The seniors are not interested. The park is letting six orangutans use an iPad to “talk”. Orangutans belong to the ape family. Some trainers have…

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