A boy washing dishes
Adapted from The Vancouver Sun
Level 2
November 2010
Chores are small jobs around the house,
such as washing dishes and doing laundry.
Chores are part of family life.
Studies show that doing chores
helps children to become
more successful adults.
Read the PDF. Try the Exercise.
What parents can do:
Show children how to do a chore. Later, they can do it without your help.
Praise children for finishing a chore and for doing a good job.
What children can do:
A 3-year-old can match socks in the laundry basket.
A 5-year-old can make a bed by pulling up the comforter.
An 8-year-old can make a lunch for school.
A 10-year-old can put away groceries and do the family laundry.
Illustrations by Nola Johnston