Some people believe in omens. An omen is an event that predicts the future. It is a sign that something good or something bad is about to happen.
Here are some good omens:
- A butterfly flying into your home brings good news or an important guest.
- A bird pooping on you is good luck.
- Itchy hands bring money.
- A wish made when you see a shooting star will come true.
Here are some bad omens:
- An itchy ear means people are talking about you.
- Spilling salt brings bad luck. Throwing salt over your left shoulder keeps the bad luck away.
- A black cat or a snake crossing your path is bad luck.
Do you believe in omens? If so, which ones?
Adapted from, • Photos: Pixabay/stephanie999,
Pixabay/Free-Photos, Pixabay/René Schindler, Pixabay/Carrie Hannigan