Halloween and COVID-19

This Halloween, there are new safety guidelines for trick-or-treating due to COVID-19.

BC Centre for Disease Control says, “Celebrate less socially and trick-or-treat locally this Halloween.”

Children need to wash their hands before going out, when they come home and before eating treats.  Carry hand sanitizer for eating treats on the go.

Try to keep a small social bubble. Only trick or treat in your neighbourhood. If you go out in a group, keep it to six people or less. Leave space for other families on the sidewalk to practise good social distancing.

Here are some other safety tips:


Make sure your child’s costume will keep them warm. It should let them see others and make others able to see them:

  • use costumes with light-coloured or reflective pieces.
  • do not use full-face masks. Masks can make it hard to see cars or other dangers. Use a mask that covers their mouth instead.
  • do not use costumes with capes or long dresses. Your child could trip and fall.


Not everyone celebrates Halloween. Look for houses with decorations and lights on.


Throw away any candy that looks like it might have been opened.

Have fun!

Adapted from Canadian Paediatric Society and BC Centre for Disease Control

Photos: Flickr/Nenad Stojkovic, Flickr/CJ Sorg