Park has a new name

Belcarra Regional Park is in Metro Vancouver. It has a new name. It is called təmtəm.xʷtən/Belcarra Regional Park.

There was a ceremony on October 8. Members of the Tsleil-Waututh Nation and Metro Vancouver officials attended.

təmtəm.xʷtən/Belcarra Regional Park

Why was the name changed?

The name was changed to recognize the park as part of the Tsleil-Waututh Nation. It is important for members of the Nation.

“It was never lifted from our people’s perspective. But for the newcomers who are here, the name has changed. And it’s a good feeling, for our family, for our nation, and hopefully for all people within Metro Vancouver, within British Columbia, within Canada,” said Gabriel George.

How do you say the name?

You can say təmtəm.xʷtən like “tum-tum-ee-hw-tun.” It means “the biggest place for all the people.”

An all-season park

The park is the largest of Tsleil-Waututh’s ancestral villages. It has 1, 100 hectares.

There are hiking trails, mountain views and beaches at the park. People enjoy outdoor activities all year long.

Soon, people will see the new name on signs everywhere in the park.

To hear how the park’s new name sounds, visit:

Adapted from CBC news • Photo: Metro Vancouver