Level 2
October 2010
Adpated from The Vancouver Sun by Nila Gopaul
- Slow down.
- Yield to cars coming from the LEFT.
- Yield to pedestrians (walkers).
Read the PDF.
- When it is safe, enter to your RIGHT.
- Signal RIGHT when you plan to exit.
Special rules
- If you miss your exit, go around again.
- When you hear a siren, exit the roundabout, and then pull over.
- Use the crosswalks.
- Ride your bicycle through the roundabout like a car.
- You can also walk your bicycle at crosswalks.
Why Roundabouts?
- Roundabouts are safer than traffic lights and four-way stops.
- At roundabouts, there are 40 percent fewer accidents and
80 percent fewer injuries because vehicles slow down. - Roundabouts also cut down on noise and pollution.
When vehicles stop and go, they make more noise and pollution.