Adapted from The Province
Level 1
Justine is 19 years old.
Chloe is 22 years old.
Maxime is 25 years old.
They are sisters.
They are from Montreal.
They are on the Canadian Olympic Team.
They ski the women’s freestyle moguls at the Olympics.
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Visit the links
- See photos of the Sochi Winter Olympics.
- Watch Olympic events from summer and winter Olympics
Justine won the gold medal.
Chloe won the silver medal.
Maxime came in 12th.
Their parents watched.
Their mother said, “I’m so happy for my daughters. They are all three Olympians.”
Maxime said, “I’m so proud of my sisters!”
What is the freestyle moguls event?
Skiers race down a bumpy slope.
They jump high in the air.
In the air, they twist and turn.