Sophie had a money problem

Sophie is a new Canadian. Her husband handled all their banking. He paid the bills. He gave Sophie cash to buy groceries.

Then, Sophie’s husband died.

Sophie was scared.


Sophie was frightened

Sophie didn’t know how much money was in the bank. Everything was in her husband’s name.

Sophie worked part-time. She didn’t know how she would pay her bills.

What did Sophie do?

Sophie asked her friends and family what to do. One of her friends works as a “money coach.” She followed advice from her friend.

  1. Sophie took records to the bank. She took a copy of her husband’s death certificate. She brought her husband’s will. The bank let her get into her husband’s accounts.
  2. Sophie made a list of her savings and debt. She found there was little savings in the bank. She learned her husband owed money on his credit card.
  3. Sophie learned about death benefits. Sophie learned she can receive her husband’s last pay cheque. She can ask the company if they offer death benefits to families. She can get money if her husband had life insurance.
  4. Sophie found out about a survivor’s pension. Did her husband contribute to the Canada Pension Plan (CPP)? Sophie could apply to get a pension from the government.
  5. Sophie learned how to pay bills. Sophie learned she needed to pay bills on time to avoid late fees. She made a monthly schedule to pay her bills on time.


Submitted by Kimberly Alcock • Photo: Stephen Depolo/Flickr