Level 3
Almost 6000 Canadians are 100 years old. Most of them are women.
Three people tell us their secrets.
Shu-Wing Mak volunteers in Chinatown. He says his active life keeps him healthy. He visits seniors at a retirement home regularly. He listens to Chinese opera and writes for the newspaper. He received the Queen Elizabeth Jubilee medal this year.
Read the PDF. Try the Exercise
Claire Aldelberg is 98. She goes to tai chi and aerobics classes. She makes the effort to keep fit and eat right. Years ago she gave up sweets and fried foods. She started eating mostly vegetables and fruits. Claire has many “young friends”.
Lillian Gabert is 100 years old. She lived in the country as a young woman. They had no electricity or running water. She hauled water, grew a garden and preserved food. There were no prepared foods to eat.
Lillian says, “You worked and work was hard. You didn’t need more exercise. Faith is important and the friends you have…”

This trio of residents from Parkwood Manor in Coquitlam has been alive for a combined 311 years. From left are: Lillian Gabert, 100, Alice Okerstrom, 105, and Ivy McComb, 106.
Photo: Jason Payne, The Vancouver Sun
What are the secrets to living to be 100 years old?
- Eat right – Eat lots of legumes, whole grains, fibre, fruits,
vegetables, olive oil, fish and nuts. - Get regular vigorous exercise – Never stop moving.
- Cherish friends and family – Stay involved in life. Stay connected
to your family, friends and community. - Keep slim, but not too slim
- Avoid smoking
- Drink a little red wine – One to three glasses of red wine a day
are recommended. Too much alcohol is not good. - Have a positive attitude