B.C.’s new soccer star


Steven Beitashour in the blue jersey
Photo by Jason Payne/The Vancouver Sun

B.C.’s new soccer star, Steven Beitashour
Adapted from The Vancouver Sun and The New York Times
by Nila Gopaul
Level 2

Steven Beitashour*, 28,
was born in San Jose, California.
His parents are from Iran.
They moved to the U.S.
in the 1960s.
*say: bayt-uh-shoor

Growing up
Steven always loved soccer.
He was 11 years old
during the 1998 World Cup.
At the time, the U.S. faced Iran
in France.
The family watched the game.
Iran won 2-1.

Which team
did Steven root** for?
“I was rooting
for a good game,” he says.
**root – cheer for a team

Steven has Iranian and
American citizenship.
In 2014, he played for Iran
at the World Cup in Brazil.

Vancouver Whitecaps
On January 27, 2014,
Steven joined the Vancouver Whitecaps team.
He plays defense.

The head coach says
Steven is the best right defense
in North America.

Steven says he is excited
about playing for Vancouver.
Lucky Whitecaps.
Lucky Vancouver!