September is Literacy Month. You and your class can enter a contest.
Here is what to do:
Tell us why literacy matters to you. Use one of the examples below or use your own idea.
Literacy matters to me because it:
- helps me at school
- keeps me safe at work
- lets me enjoy reading
- helps me manage money
- helps me stay safe online
Get creative! Write a tweet, a Facebook post, a letter, a story or a poem. Submit a photo, a sketch or a video. Send any format you choose!
Submit your entry:
- Send to or post to or Twitter @decodaliteracy.
- Use hashtags #LiteracyMatters and #PutOnYourPurple.
You could win:
- $100 Amazon gift certificate
- CBC Vancouver prize package
Your class could win:
- $250 Amazon gift certificate
Contest deadline is September 30, 2020.
Source: Decoda Literacy Solutions
Photo: Decoda Literacy Solutions