Adapted from The Vancouver Sun
Level 1
It is simple. Eat less and move more.
Lose weight and feel healthier by doing these things.
Read the PDFs. Try the exercises.
- Seven steps to a heathier life
- Your Health is part of an e-book on healthy living from Best of the Reader
Visit the links:
- Best of the Reader is a collection of articles compiled by Joan Acosta from past editions of The Westcoast Reader. You can download the entire Your Health ebook from Best of the Reader here.[/stextbox]
- Drink less alcohol.
- Make alcohol a special treat.
- Stop snacking.
- Feeling hungry is OK.
- Change what you eat.
- Add more green, red and orange vegetables. Eat more carrots, broccoli, and beets.
- Eat less white vegetables and starches. Eat less potatoes, pasta and white bread.
- Eat less meat. Make each serving the size of a credit card.
- Eat more fibre. Eat like beans, lentils, and kamut.
- Eat a little before and eat a little after meals.
- Eat a small palmful of raw nuts 15 – 20 minutes before meals.
- Eat a small palmful of raw nuts instead of having a second helping or dessert.
- Eat fruit
- Fruit juice is full of sugar and calories. Eat the whole fruit instead.
- Eat less sugar.
- Make cakes, cookies, ice cream and candy a treat. Eat them once a week.
- Drink coffee or tea.
- Black coffee and tea have no calories.
- Walk or bike everywhere you go.
- Walking and biking are good exercises. They burn calories.
- Walk before breakfast and after dinner.
You never finish. You cannot stop and go back to your old ways. To stay healthy, you must do this forever.