When you give someone a card, it shows you care. Here is a card you can make yourself. A homemade card can be special.
What you need:
- white cardstock paper
- orange paper
- pink paper
- a black marker
- scissors
- glue stick
What you do:
- Fold a piece of white cardstock in half.
- Cut out a carrot shape using the orange paper.
- Cut two circles of pink paper for the snowman’s cheeks.
- Glue the two pink circles halfway between the top and bottom of the card. They can go past the edge of the card.
- Glue down the nose. It should be between the two cheeks.
- Use the black marker to draw eyes and a smile. Add details to the nose.
- Trim the edges of the cheeks to fit the card.
- Write a nice message inside the card.
For example: Happy Holidays. I made this card just for you.
Adapted from Red Ted Art • Photo: Jade Chan